Thursday, 26 August 2010

Sooner or later you need more wardrobe space - Donate!

A quicky today - on a borrowed computer from leg two of my holiday.

This Saturday the British Heart Foundation are encouraging people to donate to their charity shops... but while I'm sure they'd be glad of all good quality second hand clothes - imagine how fabulous the collected donations of the Swelegant Style Shopping readership would be.

Have a think: is there something lovely you bought for an occassion but now doesn't fit?  That sale bargain that you've realised doesn't suit you?  The shoes that were so painful the only time you wore them that you can't bear to look at them?  I'm not talking misshapen old jumpers and skirts with broken zips...  the British Heart Foundation charity shops are there to raise money: last year they raised over £20 million to help fight heart disease (the UK's biggest killer), and the better quality your donations, the more they can raise. 

Go on...  your nearest BHF shop can be found here: any day is good, and as you can see from the image at the top of the page this campaign is pushing to the end of September, but this Saturday is the big day. I'll be at the Dalry Road branch in Edinburgh because I've been set a challenge. I've been asked to style a gorgeous outfit out of the stock in the shop. I'll write it all up when I'm home next week and you can see the photos of my efforts.  Of course, when you donate, it's the perfect opportunity to pick up some fabulous pieces of your own, not only helping a brilliant cause, and being eco-friendly but also paying a fraction of the 'new' price...

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